Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Little Stalker by Erica Pike

Blurb: College student Coby is being stalked by a young guy and has no idea why, until someone suggests that the stalker may have a crush on him. The idea both excites and terrifies Coby, who is so deep in the closet he can barely manage to think the word “gay” without freaking out.

About Erica: As a teen, Erica spent hours at a time lying in bed. Some would have called her lazy (though her very supportive parents never did), but she’d disagree. It’s not like she wasn't doing anything, she was busy daydreaming! You’d have thought the daydreams would lessen as she got older, but that wasn't the case. Since these are the kind of dreams that can’t really come true, Erica decided to make them come alive on paper.

She lives in Iceland with her adorable little twin boys, and is happy with what she has. She often says that her real name sounds like Klingon to foreigners. Seriously, if “Eyjafjallajokull” looks like someone fell asleep at the keyboard, Erica’s real name could leave a non-Icelander in a zombie-like stupor for days.

She’s been writing for several years, or ever since reading became an obsession. Aside from a business degree, Erica has taken English courses at the University of Iceland and gulped down anything that might help her in her career as an author. She takes great interest in English, but will break every single grammar rule for the sake of the voice.

Erica loves hearing from her readers. She’s a friendly, easy-going (if a bit silly) person who doesn't mind talking about herself in third person.

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